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Why I Created This Page

As I'm sure countless people from countless generations before me felt, these are strange, yet fascinating times we live in.

Recently I was struggling with anger and frustration over a financial situation in my personal life. It wasn't really that big of a deal, but the anger I felt was way out of proportion. After a day or two of reflection, I realized the anger had been brewing for several weeks, not about the money, but about the state of our planet, the blindness and apathy I see all around me and the cruelty being dealt on a daily basis to those to weak to fight back.

I stayed off line for a few days because I felt the need to hold my tongue, there was a generous rant coming and on this particular subject rants serve no purpose and it is never my intention to rile people up. I do believe however in the need to upgrade the social conscience of most people. I believe though there is a lot wrong in the world today, you can never underestimate the power of a kind word. I believe in education, enlightenment and the right for all life on this planet to have justice and dignity.

I am not a soldier.

I am not a doctor.

I am not a princess, or a world leader.

What I am is a writer and I believe in the power of words to move people, to insight action and to educate and it is with all this in mind, that I have added a Compassionate Living page to The Life I Write.

I am not interested in arguments, I do however respect educated debate. I reserve the right to delete any comment on here I deem inappropriate or against the mission of this blog which is to teach, inspire, and lift up.

The views expressed are my own personal ones based on my experiences and my spirituality. I do not tell you how to live, but I present things I believe are important from defending human rights, to vegetarianism, the environment and clean drinking water around the globe.

I don't know what to expect yet from this page, but I know that I need to add my voice to the growing dialogue. ~ Namaste & respect for all.


  1. Well written. I look forward to reading what you have to say.

  2. Thank you Karen. I'm going to do my best to share my passion about these subjects without judging or condemning anyone. I just wish to enlighten and educate where I can. It may be a tall order, but I'll do my best! <3


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